Preparing papers for IntSol
Authors` names should be written out in full as <Given name> <Family name>. This requirement is critical because in Scopus the list of authors is formed on the basis that the surname is the second word.
We ask authors to use ORCID identifiers. It will facilitate the search for the article and automates its placement in many services.
Before filling the template we strongly recommend to acquaint with the reference styles (MathPhySci) as well as Publisher`s Guide for Authors indicates or use Key Style Points: References.
Work with Microsoft CMT platform
If you have not previously encountered the Microsoft CMT conference support system, a step-by-step Microsoft CMT registration may be useful for you. This procedure is required and will allow you to track events.
If you need to submit another version of the same paper just with “Update” menu.
You shouldn`t have to make a new submission because of Microsoft CMT terms.